Osteopathy considers the body as a unit and through a global diagnosis, looks for the causes that provoke the patient's symptoms and thus apply certain techniques (manipulations, facial, cranial or facial techniques ) to rebalance the body. Structural osteopathy is the one in charge of evaluating the general biomechanics of the body and regulating it through manipulations and other manual techniques. Visceral osteopathy encompasses all the organs and viscera of the body. Thanks to their treatment, they seek to rebalance them by improving its movement, metabolism, eliminating adhesions and thus influencing the improvement of posture and the general state of the body. Cranial osteopathy evaluates and treats dysfunctions of the cranial bones, improving the symptoms of pathologies such as headaches, alterations due to traffic accidents or falls or sinusitis amongst some.
Gynecological Osteopathy
It is a specialized discipline within osteopathy that aims to painlessly treat problems related to the female reproductive system.
They can address problems like:
- Associated with menstruation: dysmenorrhea (increased pain), amenorrhea ( absence of menses).
- Specific cases of infertility: bad positioning of the pelvis, vascularization problems, stress or tension of the ovaries and uterus.
- Dispareunia: pain in sexual relations.
- Pain and dysfunctions of the pelvic floor
- Problems associated with menopause.
- Scarring, caesarean sections and episiotomies.
Children's Osteopathy
Discipline within osteopathy where manual techniques adapted and specific to children and babies are used. One of the most important dysfunctions to treat are those produced at the time of delivery, both due to complications during the process, such as the use of instruments or a cesarean section.